The Republic
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Application for Acceptance into The Republic

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Application for Acceptance into The Republic Empty Application for Acceptance into The Republic

Post  Admin Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:51 pm

Welcome to The Republic. Thank you for your interest in our alliance. We are a democratic alliance. We have open elections and active membership. If this sounds like a alliance you would like to join then read on.

Make a new thread in this section of the forums with your username in the subject line. Answer the following questions completely. The democratically elected Leadership Council of the Republic will review your application and cast a vote for or against your membership. So make it good!


Race (Gaul, Roman or Teuton) :

Number of Villages and coordinates:

How long have you been on server 6?:

What time zone are you in?:

What times are you normally online?:

What other servers, if any, are you currently playing?:

How many travian worlds have you played from beginning to end?

How did you hear about us?:
If referred, Player Name:

What is your overall rank and current population?:

What type and number of troops do you have?:

What is your offensive rank and score?

What is your defensive rank and score?

What alliances have you been a member of?

What is your current resource production? Wood_________ Clay________ Iron________ Wheat_______

Are you currently being attacked by anyone? Explain: __________________________________

Here is a hypothetical question, You are being attacked by a player who is slightly larger than you how can you react to his attack (please be specific) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. If you are applying for the Republic Alliance please be aware you may be placed in any wing.
2. We are one Alliance even though we have several Wings. You will be placed in a wing based on geographical location, not population or rank
3. By applying for this alliance you will abide by all the rules and regulations of the alliance.
4. You must be an active player all inactive players will be dismissed especially if you appear as a yellow more than two times or become a red. Sitters are available within the alliance to eliminate this possibility.
5. You cannot attack any alliances in which we have a NAP or confederation.
6. You must check the forum on regular basis. Your activity on the forums is made note of on a weekly basis by the forum's admin.
7. If you are accepted as a member and a request is made you must provide troops or resources when required.
8. When you read any information in the internal forum, you MUST NEVER discuss any information with any non-members.

By submitting this application you will abide by all the rules and regulations of the republic if accepted. Failure to follow rule will be grounds for termination from the Alliance.

Posts : 2
Join date : 2008-07-09

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Application for Acceptance into The Republic Empty application

Post  thezombi Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:47 am


Race (Gaul, Roman or Teuton) :Roman

Number of Villages and coordinates:2 59 122 and 59 123

How long have you been on server 6?:idk since server 2 got done i believe

What time zone are you in?:US central time

What times are you normally online?:i usually check when i can in the morning if i get on in the middle of the day and try before i go to bed

What other servers, if any, are you currently playing?: 6

How many travian worlds have you played from beginning to end? i don't think any i finished up 2 idk when i started it tho

How did you hear about us?:Alliance
If referred, Player Name:Daredevil

What is your overall rank and current population?:4564 435

What type and number of troops do you have?: imperians 51 Hero level 0 and 3 Equites Caesaris starting to work on getting more been working on setting up my 2nd village and upgrading resources

What is your offensive rank and score?4813. thezombie7 435 2 15 haven't attacked much

What is your defensive rank and score?4946. thezombie7 435 2 84

What alliances have you been a member of?Rebels

What is your current resource production? Wood_________ Clay________ Iron________ Wheat_______
Wood: 490 per hour
Clay: 485 per hour
Iron: 430 per hour
Wheat: 409 per hour
just main village 2nd is only in teens
Are you currently being attacked by anyone? Explain: _________No_________________________

Here is a hypothetical question, You are being attacked by a player who is slightly larger than you how can you react to his attack (please be specific) I can see what damage he did and then build up my military and attack him or call for help from a neighboring ally


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